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viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

More violent cartoons

More violent cartoons

1.” Dragon boll z” why is harmful, in this cartoon dolls you have to have supernatural powers imaginary addition to fighting to show that they are evil to society , the cartoons help the imagination is much more developed, i think that is bad for those little people who already have a problem or disorder ... while they are well educated and above all respected and properly guided the child (a) will not be affected by these amines ... i think that people will hurt them so if the mind is so hard reality that exists today ...

 2)” Mazinger z”, the way the robots were destroyed episode after episode, the anguish of the characters each time they gave him a tremendous beating. the last episode is to mourn, how Aphrodite destroyed, the robot boss (or as you type) and other rivals malinger any episode of rime or candy candy

3) "Caballeron zodiac” (saint seiya or for the purists) the possible differences between big robots and this is that here if there are all between humans and all for the welfare of the goddess athena rather as useless. they hit at the speed of light, reaching absolute zero, are blind themselves and have gallons and gallons of blood that stained the screen


More violent cartoons

More violent cartoons

1.” Dragon boll z” why is harmful, in this cartoon dolls you have to have supernatural powers imaginary addition to fighting to show that they are evil to society , the cartoons help the imagination is much more developed, i think that is bad for those little people who already have a problem or disorder ... while they are well educated and above all respected and properly guided the child (a) will not be affected by these amines ... i think that people will hurt them so if the mind is so hard reality that exists today ...
2)” Mazinger z”, the way the robots were destroyed episode after episode, the anguish of the characters each time they gave him a tremendous beating. the last episode is to mourn, how Aphrodite destroyed, the robot boss (or as you type) and other rivals malinger any episode of rime or candy candy

3) "Caballeron zodiac” (saint seiya or for the purists) the possible differences between big robots and this is that here if there are all between humans and all for the welfare of the goddess athena rather as useless. they hit at the speed of light, reaching absolute zero, are blind themselves and have gallons and gallons of blood that stained the screen

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Functions of the left and right cerebral hemispheres

Functions of the left and right cerebral hemispheres

Although the cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical structure with two lobes that emerge from the brainstem and sensory and motor areas in both, certain intellectual functions are performed by a single hemisphere.
 The dominant hemisphere of a person usually takes the language and logic operations, while the other hemisphere controls emotions and artistic and spatial skills. in almost all right-and in many left-handed people the left hemisphere is dominant.
The brain is divided into two equal halves are called hemispheres. There is a right hemisphere and left hand. The hemispheres are united by the center.
Each hemisphere is divided into four lobes. Each lobe is more or less defined areas where they are located such important functions as vision, speech or memory.
Notice that funny! The nerves of the left and right side of your body before entering or crossing out in the brain. For this reason, each hemisphere controls the opposite side of your body. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body. The order to shoot a ball with your right leg comes from the left hemisphere of your brain.

Your brain keeps all your secrets! An endless list! All your thoughts, your emotions, your memories, your desires, your language or your ability to learn, come from your brain.
The brain receives information from the world around you through the sense organs. Although our eyes or our ears are healthy, if the area of our brain that processes the images or sounds are injured we cannot see or hear. Your brain also controls your movements, order your legs to run, say hello to your hand or your lips to smile.
In conclusion, your brain controls the movement of your skeletal muscles, the higher functions such as memory or learning and processes the information it receives from sense organs.

 functions emisferio    ceredral  left                                                                       functions emisferio ceredral                                                              right

numerical skills                                                insight
language spoken             imagination
reasoning           artistic sense                                             
skills      sentido musical
written  language            three-dimensional  perception
control of the right hand             control  of  the left hand

1. Famous people who have more control on the left and right brain.

1)  Leonardo da Vinci developed the two functions of the brain since it was a painter, scientist, artist, poet, architect, physician, geologist, mathematician ... was all that and more, was a genius!
Isaac Newton develops the left brain function as it was British mathematician and physicist, considered one of the greatest scientists in history, who made important contributions in many fields of science.

Galileo Galilei developing left-brain functions as it was Italian physicist and astronomer.
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez developed right brain function. Few artists have achieved the perfection achieved Velazquez. His paintings are like windows to other worlds, it almost seems you could enter them and talk to the characters.

Johannes Kepler, the astronomer and philosopher, wrote and verified the three laws that govern the movement of planets, known as "kepler's laws" the developing brain function left.
Miguel Angel performs the function of the left and right brain not only a painter and sculptor, was also an architect. One of his most important works was the dome of sit. Peter’s basilica in Rome.

Polish astronomer Nicola’s Copernicus, known for his theory that the sun was at the center of the universe and the earth, revolving once daily on its axis each year completed a lap around it. The function develops the left brain.
Laura esquivel she developed left brain function. for example
 in the novel like water for chocolate by Mexican writer

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm developed left brain function made popular tales and legends, who published under the title tales for children and home. among the most famous are: the musicians of Bremen, Hansel and Gretchen and snow white and the seven dwarfs

 Ludwig van Beethoven performs the function of the right brain as composed 9 symphonies in which the symphonic form reaches its perfection and conveys a wide range of expressive and emotional nuances.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso developed right brain function the Spanish painter and sculptor was unique and brilliant in all its facets: inventor of forms, innovative techniques and styles, graphic artist and sculptor, one of the most prolific creator’s whole story.

 Octavio Paz develops the left brain function is a poet and essayist ell Mexican Nobel prize for literature, considered "the greatest thinker and poet of Mexico."

Thomas Addison, develop the right brain to become a doctor and endocrinologist (doctor who studies the hormonal system) British. It was the first to describe the symptoms caused by degeneration of the cortex or outer layer of the adrenal glands.

14)  Thomas Edison when you develop the left brain and right built the first electric light bulb, a generator, a device to record sounds and a film projector called the kinetoscope, the first machine that produced films by a rapid succession of individual images. He also helped develop the phone with his carbon telephone transmitter. All his inventions had a profound effect on the development of modern society.

Carl Linnaeus developed the right brain for their scientific skills. Although he was a practicing physician, had a deep interest in botany and developed a system to classify plants which used a binomial method of scientific nomenclature.

Personal comments
1 - the brain is a very important part because it controls the body, acts, feelings, get information from all parts of the body processes them and sends messages to the muscles to take action.

2 - it helps us think and make important choices and equal to discover what we really want to do and that is divided into two hemispheres, the right controls the left half of the body and the left controls the right half, besides everyone has a role very important to the left helps us do math problems, language, processing information and the right to make arts and music.

3 - The brain is very powerful because it commands and commands to our muscles to take any action either to make up creative things to do in certain circumstances in life.
4-every person has something very powerful and if it develops can get to do many things in this world such as inventing new things to innovate the total mind. great people to become very well known as Leonardo de Vinci, Newton who contributed a lot not only scientific but also artistic.

5 - The brain is part of our daily life as it is representative of our body, has several abilities from giving an order to be able to change the world, make decisions, whether good or bad. For every human being the brain is an important tool to progress in life.